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Browser console

To analyze problems during the login or other functions it helps to use the tools coming with the browser.

All browser can save the complete data transfer. That can also include passwords or other sensitive data. Before you send the .har file to the OpenTalk support, please have a look and remove such data from the file. You can edit the .har file in any text editor. It may also contain a token that allows access to the application. The token expires after 5 minutes, please wait a little bit before sending such data via email.

Start the record before you join the meeting or re-load the page with F5. If you use a password to join the meeting: please delete it from the .har file.


  • on the meeting page where you enter your name and can enable/test the microphone/camera:
  • CTRL Shift i
  • join the meeting
  • switch to the "Network" tab in the newly opened window
  • reproduce the issue
  • wait a little until nothing more happens in the network window
  • chose a random entry from the list and open the context menu with right mouse click
  • select "Save as Har with content"
  • have a look again above about sensitive data and send the .har file


  • same process
  • under "Network analysis"
  • "Save all as Har"


  • same process but F12 to open the tools
  • depending on the window size the "Network" tab might be hidden behind the ">>" signs